当前位置:国民书院>女生耽美>最后的赢家是谁?> 第4章 Everybodyloresawinner
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第4章 Everybodyloresawinner(2 / 4)

A young woman came into the room.''Hullo,Jason.''

Fiona Williams was small and fat.She had long yellow hair and a big red mouth.She looked at Jason,but she talked to the policeman.

Jason is my husband,''she said.''Our son was born two years ago.His name''s Jack.I loved Jason,but he wasn''t very nice to me.Sometimes he hit me.One night he broke two of my teeth.Then the baby was ill and cried a lot.Jason hit him too.Jack was only two months old,and Jason hit him-a little baby!’

''That''s a lie!''said Jason.I didn''t-’

‘Oh yes,you did!''Fiona said.She spoke to the policeman again.‘So I left him,and took the baby with me.Jason didn''t look for us.He didn''t want us,and he never gave me any money for our son.He went home to his mother and father,and he forgot about little Jack and me.I forgot about Jason too.Then I saw him on television,with a cheque from Sunshine Lotteries for five million pounds.Well,I''m his wife,Jack''s his son-and we want half of his money!"

‘Well,Mr Williams,''said the policeman.''Is this woman your wife?”

‘Don''t ask him,ask me!''Fiona said.‘He''s my husband,and I can prove''it.I''m going to get a good lawyer,and I''m going to get that two and a half million pounds!"

‘Everybody wants my money!''said Jason.T''m going to see my lawyer!?

So on Wednesday afternoon Jason went to Sally Cash''s office.It was in a big building with ''Evans,Robinson,Dennis and Day''over the door.

‘Why isn''t your name there too?''asked Jason.

‘Because I''m young and not very important,''said Sally with a smile.''I work for Mr Dennis.''

Sally''s office was very small.There were books on the table and on all the chairs.Sally moved the books off one

chair,and Jason sat down.

‘So,Jason,''Sally said,''you have a wife and son.’

''How do you know that?''said Jason.

‘Your wife''s lawyer telephoned me this afternoon,''said Sally.''Your wife wants some of yo

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